It feels like so long since I posted a shopping trip. I have been SO BUSY working that I have not had time to take it off my camera and put it on the blog!! There were very few items for me this week. I was excited about the napkins to add to my stockpile and the salad dressing to give as a donation item. Below is what I purchased:
2 Bags of Tostito Scoops
4 Ziplock Freezer Bags
2 Pepsi
2 Croutons
2 Salsa
12 Salad dressing
10 Dentastix (I have one happy dog!)
Grape tomatoes
10 Chinet Napkins
2 Chinet Plates (where are they in this picture?? I guess I forgot to put them in!)
I am going to try to make it back to the store on Wednesday to get the Lipton Tea Bags using the Target Coupon and mq's to get each box for $.40, Ronzoni Pasta for just $.15 a box, a few more napkins, Boca Burgers using the Target Q, and Emerill's canned pasta for the grandkids.
Hurricane season is a comin' and it's time to start using all the stuff in the freezer so I won't be buying anything frozen for a while. Please oh please let their not be anything sooo good that I can't pass up! I really need to use what I have!
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