Thanks to my friend Bev for reminding me about the McCormick Grill Mates or Seasonings that are FREE with the $1.00 coupon from the Sweet Savings Booklet. I just found this book late last week. I also wanted to pick up some more V-8 Juice while I could get it for $1 a bottle. It doesn't expire until next June and I guarantee you it will be long gone before then!
8 Spicy V-8 Juice
8 McCormick Pepercorn Medley
2 Thomas' Bagels
Frenchs Fried Fried Onions
Fresh Mushrooms
Heinz 57 Sauce (mix with equal parts w/ honey and put on chicken legs - YUM!)
Frozen Peas
Publix Sweet-n-Low
I wanted to try a new recipe for a Tuna Casserole. It called for fresh mushrooms, frozen peas and french fried onions. I didn't have any of these in my stock so on the list they go bringing my total up to $19.01
I was able to also use a $5/30 WD coupon from the Living Social deal. Gosh! Those coupons are great! I hope you were able to snag a few of those booklets!
With the FREE Pepercorn Grinders, I will be fully stocked on ground pepper for over a year!
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