That is what the cashier said to me today when I went to buy just a few items at Publix. She apparently has not seen many couponers!
Since the Smart Balance Milk was such a good deal with a great expiration date, I went back to get a few more and picked up a few other things.
I bought the following:
5 Smartbalance Milk
3 Crest Toothpaste
2 Weight Watchers Goodies
2 Kraft Cheese
2 Gortons Salmon Fillets
Again, I was able to use a $5 off Enjoy the City coupon because my total was $32.94 before coupons. After all my coupons, my total was $9.74. The regular price of the milk is $3.99 each. Not a bad deal for $9.74 for everything!
Beginning next ad on Thursday, I won't be doing many transactions. I know it is a gas card week, but I really don't need anything and will probably do just enough for 1 gas card. It is killing me but I really want to use what is in the pantry and freezer and skip a week. I have already ordered my coupons for Edge Shave Gel, Kleenex, and Colgate Sensitive toothpaste. Add oil and Gardettos to the list and that will be my whole list. I have to try to remember to go to K-Mart to get the $.99 eggs before Saturday!
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