I didn't see much for me this week at Publix but I still managed to spend $24.49 because I had my daughter with me throwing in a whole sub, 2 Pantene hair products and 2 pkgs Kashi cookies that taste as dry as a fart! With all that I still think I did pretty good adding to the stockpile more Hefty Trash Bags from a raincheck and my Crystal Light. Did anyone else notice it has gone up in price to $4.69?? Maybe I can kick the habit within the next year because I probably have enough to last me that long unless my kids go to "J-Mart" in the garage and swipe some! This is what I purchased:
2 Lucky Charms (ugh!)
2 Pam (used raincheck)
4 Hefty Garbage Bags (used RC)
Yoplait Fiber One Yogurt 6 pk
Yoplain Whipped Yogurt
Cool Whip
2 Ragu
4 Pace Salsa
6 Pledge Grab-It
2 Pantene Detangler (my daughter has hair like a lion)
(mine on the other hand is like a chia pet!)
6 Crystal Light
4 Barilla Pasta
2 bags (dry as a fart) Kashi Cookies
2 Cheez Its (don't forget the Wags IVC for $2/1)
Whole Publix Sub
2 Natures Own Wheat Bread
My $1.50/1 Publix Crystal Light coupons rang up $2 off 2 Huggies Diapers. We pointed it out to her and she said, "Well, I guess you made $2 on that deal!" The right LU # was put in but it must have been programmed wrong in the computer! So Publix paid me to take the Crystal Light out of the store...it certainly is a pleasure to shop there!
I already have 6 half-gallons of milk in my refrig, a freezer full of meat, chicken, pork, sausage, etc, frozen and canned veggies and lunchmeat for the week. Looks like I got away pretty cheap this week!!