What a day! I wish I could rewind and go back to yesterday. It was so much fun! We went out in the boat all day with friends and cooked out on the beach. Then we came home and jumped in the pool which felt like bath water.
Little did I know that as I slept my freezer was defrosting. Yes, the door was left open AGAIN and I heard those words I dread. "Judi, the freezer door was left open".
Panic strikes as I open it and all my top 2 shelves were totally defrosted as well as the freezer door. After the shock, I begin cookinig like a maniac. Pizza, ground beef, cube steak, brocolli casserole, brussel sprouts, pierogis, etc. Let's just say my menu for the week is well planned. Fried fish tonight with broccoli casserole and eggrolls, steak and lobster tomorrow with more eggrolls and a side a pizza. Wednesday, break out the blue cheese because we have 10 lbs. of chicken wings to eat! Bacon, sausage, and ribs will round out the week.
I was sick when I had to throw out oysters, shrimp, ice cream of every sort, guacamole, hash browns, mashed potatoes, vegetables, chicken tenders, veggie burgers, etc. At least I felt a little better when I knew the bags of potatoes were free, as well as the guacamole. The chicken tenders and veggie stuff was cheap. The ice cream I just bought. I guess I won't be enjoying my Peanut Butter Cup ice cream with sliced banana for my evening treat. I didn't need it anyway.
Do you know that show where they put their inventions up in front of a group of people to get money to develop their idea? Shark Tank...here I come! I have an idea to lock my freezer from the outside after the door is shut. It would bolt it so tight Fort Knox would be proud! How come no one has thought of that??
So all the Zantac I got free last week will come in handy this week as we consume food of all sorts!
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