
Friday, April 12, 2013


I recently received my new issue of Cook's Illustrated and found this article that I thought you might find interesting. The 'best buy' date printed on some canned foods is not an 'expiration' date. It refers strictly to the manufacturer's recommendation for peak quality, not safety concerns. As long as the cans look good and have been stored in a dry place between 40 and 70 degrees, their contents should be safe to use indefinitely. Be sure to discard any cans that are bulging or spurt liquid when opening! Non-stick vegetable spray likewise lasts past it's 'best buy' dates. They tested this by making two sheet cakes. On one they sprayed with a can of PAM that was a year past the best by date and for the other they used a new can. The results? Both cans tasted the same. Good info to know! Especially when we get great deals on these items.

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