
Tuesday, August 21, 2012


What the heck!! I can't believe what I just figured out! As many of you know, I am trying to follow Weight Watchers and started watching what I eat and have lost about 25 lbs. Recently I have been getting up very early in the morning to go walking. I have walked for about 3 weeks faithfully and have seen the scale only move just slightly. I am continuing to eat the same way, counting my points, and eating my vegetables which include mostly sugar snap peas. You read in the last post I just bought 4 more bags to replenish my supply.

Now when I eat sugar snap peas, I just don't eat a half of a cup which is a serving. No...I eat the whole darn bag! I figured I can't get fat eating vegetables! Well, guess what I just found out tonight as I was eating my last few peas off my plate! I looked it up in the WW book and found out I have been consuming about 6 points by eating the whole bag! Now mind you, I have been counting it as zero so adding another 6 points to my daily total is HUGE! The book said 2/3 of a cup was one point. I basically have been maintaining and not losing and now I think this may be a major reason why!! I eat these peas at least 4 days a week. If you figure eating 32 points instead of 26 points, that is a major difference!!

I say this because I just about rolled on the floor laughing when I found out (now 5 months into it) and just had to share! If any of you are on Weight Watchers, STEP AWAY FROM THE SUGAR SNAP PEAS!!!

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